An image of Chris Arndt in a fedora

Chris Arndt is Running for

Eaton County Commission in District 2

The day before Chris Arndt announced his run for County Commission, he deleted all his previous social media posts… What is he trying to hide?

A tweet from Chris Arndt claiming X says he has 1,400 posts but he deleted them from years ago so others cannot see them.
Chris Arndt suggesting that NO ONE can access or view his tweets he deleted, making software untrustworthy.
Chris Arndt tweeting he would definitely be happier if he were more evil

Here are a few things he deleted…

Chris Arndt tweeting that he would engage in ballot harvesting for money.
Chris Arndt tweeting about Facebook having options to share vaccination status as COVIDIOTS
Chris Arndt tweeting "Quitcher bitching. Life is difficult. I'll give you something to cry about."
Chris Arndt tweeting that Police use violence every time.

Posts on Financial Policy

Chris Arndt at the time of the posting

If I were a leader in this country, this is what I'd do or advocate for:

Raise the Retirement Age to 70 for Social Security Purposes,

Limit the Tax Deduction for Children to Two,

end people receiv[ing] a tax refund.

“Perhaps if you cannot afford pay for heat in this state you should move some place warmer!”

Posts on Personal Character

A picture of Chris Arndt smoking a cigar

“If the ends don’t justify the means than what does? If your opposition isn’t absolutely the worst than that implies you went too far; you certainly cannot have that. Bad behavior has always been on the table.”

a picture of Chris Arndt with a fedora

“Characteristics of a sociopath: Callous unconcern for the feelings of others. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them. Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence. Incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment. Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior that has brought the person into conflict with society.”

Characteristics of a Sociopath

This sounds like me, however, except I do not posses a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence"

A picture of a WWF star

“When composing nicknames for the Presidential candidates it seemed like a no-brainer to refer to [Kamala Harris] as the Ugandan Giant”

Posts on Social Issues

A picture asking "can you connect the dots" with an image of the Holocaust, a lynching victim, and a quarter with cells around it.

“The Genocide Awareness Project uses graphic images of aborted babies and graphic images of holocaust victims, K.K.K. victims etc. to compare abortion to other form of violence that are more widely recognized as genocide.”

Chris Arndt is in Anti-Abortion Extremist

Chris Arndt Doesn’t Believe in Exceptions for Rape

Chris Quoted: “Are women so fragile that they must kill innocent children to eliminate the physical, and emotional burden of dealing with them? A victim of rape who aborts her unborn child has allowed her rapist to turn her into a killer.”

Chris Arndt Doesn’t Believe in Science

“It is ideological bigotry driving people to claim that others are “against science" as if science itself were a consistent concept that could be warred on, fought with, and defeated or eliminated.”

Chris Arndt is Against Same-Sex Family Adoption

“But since this is the State News the focus of the article isn't on the well-being of children but on the homosexuals who they believe will suffer without children. If the bills are actually means to seperate kids from sodomites then I believe the burden of proof should be with the leftists that litle harm would come to the kids.”

Chris Arndt Doesn’t Support the Government Legalizing Gay Marriage

“The federal government wading into the marriage questions at all was the problem, for example. Attempts to outlaw marriage access to homosexuals on the federal level led to the courts answering questions about marriage.”

Source: Twitter CJArndt